Monday October 15, 7-9pm
Microscope’s 8th Anniversary Party!
at Heavy Woods, 50 Wyckoff Avenue

Opening of inaugural exhibition “Independence”, September 18th, 2010
Image © 2010 Microscope Gallery

Microscope is 8!

As we enter a new season, we would like to take a moment and celebrate. We hope that you – the artists, collaborators, audience, friends and the many others who have helped make this all happen – will join us this Monday October 15th from 7-9pm to celebrate our 8th anniversary in the back room of our neighboring cafe/bar Heavy Woods (50 Wyckoff Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11237) just at the corner, on Wyckoff and Willoughby Aves.

There will be cakes, projections, and more!
Plus, a special treat for those who become Members of our 2018-2019 weekly Event Series by October 15th!

See you soon!